Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cara Mengganti Icon Pada Address Bar

Cara Mengganti Icon Pada Address Bar

Kawan bisa merubah ukuran image dengan menggunakan software seperti adobe photoshop ataupun photoscape dan lain sebagainya. Setelah image itu terbuat, silahkan kawan upload image itu ke image hosting seperti photobucket ataupun semacamnya agar bisa kita dapatkan kode html dari image tersebut. Jika kode HTML image tersebut sudah kawan dapatkan, mari ikuti langkah selanjutnya:

1. Buka account blog kawan.
2. Silahkan menuju ke Tata Letak -> Edit HTML.
3. Jangan lupa beri tanda Centang pada Expand Template Widget.
4. Cari kode

5. Trus tuliskan kode di bawah ini sebelum kode
'' rel ='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

6. Ganti kode yang berwarna merah dengan kode link image yang sudah kawan dapatkan sebelumnya.
7. Klo sudah klik Simpan Template..

Membuat Kata Sambutan Blog Saat Dibuka

Membuat kata sambutan blog saat di buka

Pada postingan sebelumnya sudah saya jelaskan bagamana membuat kata penutup blog. Nah sekarang giliran akan saya jelaskan bagaimana membuat kata sambutannya.
  • Login ke Blogger
  • Klik Tata Letak -> Edit HTML
  • Jangan lupa centang Expand Template Widget
  • Cari kode di template Edit HTML kawan.
  • Copy paste script di bawah ini dibawah kode

  • Setelah script di atas di copas, klik Simpan Template
Jangan lupa ganti kalimat yang berwarna merah dengan kalimat yang kawan inginkan..!!!
Komentari posting ini

Membuat Kata Penutup Ketika Blog Akan Ditutup

Membuat Kata Penutup Ketika Blog Akan Ditutup

  • Login ke Blogger

  • Klik Tata letak langsung Edit HTML

  • Centang Expand Template Widget

  • Cari kode di dalam Edit HTML template kawan.

  • Copy paste script di bawah ini di bawah kode

    • Klik Simpan Template
    Silahkan ganti kalimat yang berwarna merah dengan kalimat yang kawan inginkan.

    Creating Animation In The Corner Blog

    Creating Animation In The Corner Blog

    To The Point,
    This tutorial explains how to create animation is always in the bottom corner and top corner of your blog.

    How to make??
    1. Log In to Blogger.
    2. On the Dashboard page, we select Layout.
    3. Then select Edit HTML.
    4. Put a check in Expand Widget Templates.
    5. Find this code ]] after that, put the following code at the top.
    6. #trik_pojok {
      position:fixed;_position:absolute;bottom:0px; left:0px;
      _top:expression(document.documentElement.scrollTop +
      document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight); _left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLe ft+ document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); }
    7. Next Search codes if you have found, put the following code on it.

    Cheat Ninja Saga Terbaru Cheat Instant Mission mudah sekali

    Cheat terbaru Ninja Saga.

    alat - alat yang di butuhkan:
    Mozilla Firefox terbaru.
    Fiddler download disini.
    File yang buat cheat download disini.
    Video tutorial download disini.

    1. "Login FB Anda."
    2. Login Ninja Saga.
    3. Buka Fiddler.
    4. Nah di menu tab kanan atas Fiddler cari Tab Auto Responder trus klik.
    5. Jika sudah. Masukin file di download tadi dengan cara block trus geser masukin ke Fiddler.
    6. Beri tanda centang semua file tadi termasuk Enable Automatic Response dan Permit Passthrough.
    7. Kembali ke Mozilla Firefox dan restart firefox.
    8. Setelah itu cari tulisan Fiddler:Dissabled di Firefox sebelah pojok kanan bawah.
    9. Lalu klik kanan dan beri tanda klik ke Clear Firefox Cache dan Force Traffic to Fiddler.
    10. Jika sudah restart kembali Firefoxnya trus buka Ninja Saga kalian.
    11. Lihat Misi Ninja Saga kalian akan berubah menjadi level 1 semua.

    Sesudah membaca ini tolong komentari

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    10 PTC Terpercaya

    10 ptc tepercaya

    PTC (pay per click) adalah dimana anda akan dibayar hanya dengan mengklik iklan dan anda akan dibayar langsung rekening bank anda

    Daftar 9 situs PTC (pay to click) Indonesia yang terpercaya dan benar-benar membayar :










    Plugin container.exe cheat ninja saga mudah

    Plugin container.exe adalah proses baru ditambahkan ke Firefox versi 3.6.6  keatas. Dengan plugin versi terbaru yang dalam proses instalasinya dipisahkan dari proses normal browser yang berarti, anda akan mendapatkan gangguan browsing bahkan ketika plugin tertentu berhenti bekerja atau crash dan sebagian dari itu plugin tersebut akan memakan sebagian dari memory PC dan akhirnya PC menjadi lambat.
    Plugin tersebut tidak dibuat oleh pihak Firefox sendiri, tugas dari plugin tersebut untuk mengatur plugin-plugin tambahan seperti Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime, Microsoft Silverlight untuk menjalankan konten web yang mengandung video, music, game, dan flash dll, jika salah satu plugin tersebut mengalami crash seperti yang disebutkan diatas Firefox akan tetap berjalan tapi dalam keadaan yang tidak semestinya.
    Seperti yang saya alami dan tentunya dengan anda juga, sempat berfikir itu adalah karena ada virus atau mungkin karena terlalu banyak membuka program tapi jika saya perbandingkan dengan Firefox sebelumnya tidak masalah, akhirnya saya mencoba menghapus cache dan cookies dan restart Firefox tersebut barulah kembali normal tapi tidak berselang lama kembali dibuat lambat.

    10 main bola termahal sekarang ini

    10 main bola termahal sekarang ini :

    hampir setiap tahun, pasti ada upaya pemecahan rekor transfer pemain termahal, yang masih dipegang oleh zinedine zidane seperti tadi pagi transfer kaka dari ac milan ke real madrid menjadi transfer pemain termahal kedua.
    Berikut adalah daftar pemain termahal didunia
    1. Zinedine zidane (76,0)
    2. Kaka (65,0)
    3. Luis Figo (58,5)
    4. Hernan Crespo (53,6)
    5. Gianluigi Buffon (49,2)
    6. Robinho (49,0)
    7. Christian Vieri (48,3)
    8. Andry Shevchenko (46,5)
    9. Dimitar Berbatov (46,4)
    10. Pavel Nedved (46,2)

    cara blog terindex oleh mbah google

    Google, saat ini masih diminati oleh pengguna internet dengan search enginenya. Tentu saat ini bagi webmaster, tidak hanya bisa membuat dan membangun sebuah website, namun juga bagaimana cara agar website tersebut laku dimata user pengguna internet. Satu hal yang dilakukan adalah dengan memanfaatkan search engine agar muncul di halaman pertama di search engine, terutama google. Sehingga banyak, yang saat ini pengembang web berlomba-lomba agar websitenya terindex di google dan mengoptimasikannya dengan SEO agar muncul di posisi 1. Apalagi jika terdapat cara jitu untuk dapat terindex di google.
    Nah sebelum mengetahui bagaimana cara jitu terindex di google, perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu bagaimana search engine bekerja sehingga mampu memunculkan hasil.
    1. Crawling, adalah proses mengambil informasi yang berguna dari sebuah halaman website. Biasanya dilakukan oleh spider, sebuah mesin yang kerjanya mencrawl informasi page. Ketika sebuah spider menemukan suatu link dia akan menelusuri kembali link-link tersebut, begitu pula seterusnya. Namun, tidak semua link spider mau menelusurinya, maka ada istilah link-link yang dofollow. Link dofollow artinya link tersebut dibolehkan oleh sebuah page untuk dicrawl oleh spider-spider mesin pencari. Spider untuk google, dinamakan googlebot.
    2. Indexing, adalah proses memasukkan data yang dibawa oleh spider kedalam database. Nah, proses indexing disini dilakukan untuk mengurutkan data tersebut sesuai algoritma masing-masing search engine. Pada google pagerank menjadi algoritma penentuan indexing. Dimana semakin tinggi pagerank, maka posisi indexing akan berada di urutan teratas dalam sebuah database.
    3. Searching, adalah proses pencocokan data dari pengguna yang ingin mencari sebuah keyword dengan database sesuai dengan indexing yang ada. Sehingga apa-apa yang sesuai dengan keyword yang dicari akan dimunculkan berdasarkan urutan indexing.
    4. Result, adalah proses menampilkan hasil dari searching yang dilakukan oleh perngguna terhadap mesin pencari. Sehingga hasil yangdimunculkan merupakan jawaban dari proses searching suatu database yang sudah terindex. Dan biasanya pengunjung hanya akan melihat hasilnya antara page 1-5, jika mereka tidak menemukan hasilnya pada page tersbut, maka keyword pencarian akan diganti dengan lainnya.
    Dari proses itulah, indexing menjadi penentu dimana sebuah informasi pada suatu halaman website akan diurutkan dalam database yang nantinya akan berimbas pada hasil pencarian. Dan proses indexing ini diawali dengan crawling sebuah halaman website. Sehingga sekarang bagaimana agar sebuah halaman website terjamah oleh spider mesin pencari terutama google ?!?. Dan akhirnya akan terindex dalam database google. Secara sederhana terdapat 2 cara jitu :
    1. Otomatis, artinya spider akan otomatis mendatangi halaman website kita dan nantinya akan mendapatkan informasi dari website kita kemudian mengindexnya dalam database. Nah, cara ini dapat terjadi apabila link-link website kita diletakkan dalam website-website yang sudah terindex. Artinya pada pola ini kita harus banyak menebar link terutama link-link yang dofollow.
    2. Manual, artinya kita memasukkan sendiri link kita kedalam list spider sebuah mesin pencari. Pada google terdapat alamat yang dapat dijadikan untuk mendaftarkan link, yakni addurl. Dengan memasukkan link kita kedalam list spider tersebut maka setidaknya website kita termasuk kedalam list spidernya google. Sehingga memungkinkan website kita akan terjamah oleh spider dan akhirnya akan terindex oleh google.
    Yup, kedua cara itulah cara jitu terindex di google. Baik yang otomatis maupun manual semuanya bisa dilakukan. Sehingga nantinya akan mengindikasikan seberapa cepat website kita terindex oleh google dengan kedua cara diatas.

    cara meningkatkan pengunjung dengan mudah sampai 2000

    cara meningkatkan pengunjung dengan mudah sampai 2000

    Ini cara - cara menaikan pengunjung blog dengan mudah:
    1. bergabung dengan jaringan social : misalnya digg
    2. mempromosikan di facebook, twitter dan sebagainya
    3. Dengan cara Blogwalking : blogwalking adalah pengunjungi blog orang lain tetapi anda harus meninggalkan satu komentar dan masukan link website anda yang mau di promosikan
      bergabung dengan directory gratis maupun premium dengan cara masukan formulir yang anda
    4. isi blog anda dengan artikel yang berguna
    5. isi blog anda dengan artikel yang sedang di bicarakan oleh orang-orang 

    Bagi anda yang mempunyai blog dan ingin cepat mendapatkan pagerank berikut tips Cara cepat update PageRank google yaitu dengan cara penyebaran link menggunakan sistem Multi Level Marketing?
    Untuk tips kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak anda semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink.
    Caranya gampang kok, Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kamu

    Cara Kerja, pertama-tama anda meletakkan link blog anda beserta anchor text diatas, kemudian anda menghapus nomer urut ke 23 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level.Yang semula berada di nomor 1 jadi nomor 2, nomor 2 jadi 3, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling atas (nomor 1).

    Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah
    Ketika posisi blog anda 1, jumlah backlink = 1
    Posisi 2, jml backlink = 5
    Posisi 3, jml backlink = 25
    Posisi 4, jml backlink = 125
    Posisi 5, jml backlink = 625
    Posisi 6, jml backlink = 3,125
    Posisi 7, jml backlink = 15,625
    Posisi 8, jml backlink = 78,125
    Posisi 9, jml backlink = 390,625
    Posisi 10, jml backlink = 1,953,125
    Jika anda memasang sampai posisi 10 saja, dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO, anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, juga membuat blog anda mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

    Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 23 lalu tambahkan link blog/website anda di posisi 1. Ingat, anda harus mulai dari posisi 1 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 2, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 23.

    cheat ninja saga emblem 17 januari 2011

    Ninja saga

    adalah game menarik di facebook sekarang ini!"game ninja saga juga mirip dengan naruto"
    game ninja saga ini bisa mengeluarkan jurus : ninjutsu, genjutsu dan taijutsu


    cheat ninja saga 17 januari 2011

    Cheat Engine 5.6.1
    Mozilla Firefox Terbaru

    •   Mainkan Ninja Saga(Play) > Buka Cheat Engine v5.6 >Scan Token kamu di CE
    •   Masuk ke Headquarters > Convert 1 token  > Keluar dari Headquarters
    •   Kemudian SCAN kembali sisa token setelah di convert di Headquarters
    •   1 address muncul > Double Click address dan letakkan ke CE table.
    •   Double click address dan masukkan +4 ex:(xxxxxxE8+4) > Ubah value ke "2"
    •   Pergi ke Shop dan beliEmblem Clothes  > Pergi ke PvProom dan Menang

    Cheat ninja saga terbaru 2011

    Ninja saga adalah game menarik di facebook sekarang ini!
    "game ninja saga juga mirip dengan naruto"
    game ninja saga ini bisa mengeluarkan jurus : ninjutsu, genjutsu dan taijutsu

    *Swf ( download disini )
    *Fiddler2 ( download disini )
    Mozilla firefox terbaru ( Klik Tautannya )
    Cheat engine 5.6.1 ( Klik Tautannya )

    1. Cheat token ninja saga terbaru
    Sedikit langkah - langkahnya :
    • Buka FB > Buka fiddler2 > Masukkan file swf ke fiddler (drag seperti biasa)
    • Refresh FB > Masuk ninja saga > Clear chache dan force on fiddler
    • Refresh lagi > Mainkan ninja saga > Masuk ke shop
    • Beli deh emblem, 1000 token atau 1000 TP

    2. Cheat gold ninja saga terbaru
    • Masuk ke char anda
    • Jika daily task recruit friend 0/6 sebaiknya di-refresh sampai mission complete 0/4
    • Komplitkan daily task tersebut sampai ada tanda animasi > Buka CE 5.6.1
    • Masukkan jumlah uang anda, lalu pilih 8 bytes, ceklis ASROM
    • Cari alamat XXXX78 ganti XXXXAC tapi bila XXXX68 ganti XXXX9C
    • Ganti value nya menjadi dibawah ini:
    a). 75000 = 13-15 juta
    b). 250000 = 45-50 juta
    c). 500000 = 90-100 juta
    *Masuk ke kage room  Lalu klik daily tasknya
    *Keberuntungan ada di cheat ini >  Jika kalian dapat XP akan terjadi "Disconnect"

    Semoga cheat ninja saga terbaru 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang mencarinya. Dengan sebuah ketelitian dan sesuai dengan aturan dari cheat ini dipastikan bisa berjalan dengan baik. 

    Thursday, January 27, 2011

    Cheat Jutsu Emblem Ninja Saga Terbaru

      Alat :
    1. "Masuk ke Ninja Saga"
    2. Nyalakan Cheat Engine
    3. Scan jumlah token yang kalian miliki
    4. Masuk ke headquarter Ninja Saga
    5. Konversi/lakukan pembelian dengan 1 Token
    6. Keluar dari headquarter
    7. Lakukan Next Scan dengan token yang sekarang sampai menemukan 1 Address
    8. Doble klik address yang muncul
    9. Tambahkan +4 pada address tersebut. contoh (xxxxxxxx +4)
    10. Ubah value antara dari 1 ke 2
    11. Lalu centang Freeze
    12. Klik pada icon Jutsu
    13. "Pergi ke akademi dan silahkan belajar Ninjutsu"

    Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru


    Langkah -langkah Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru:
    1. Buka Cheat engine 5.5
    2. Mainkan Ninja Saga
    3. Pergi ke Akademik dan Klik pada keterampilan yang telah “Training Time – Instant”
    4. Dalam CE, Aktifkan Speedhack dan nilai yang ditetapkan untuk “0"
    5. Klik tombol “BUY” 3 kali
    6. Sekarang klik pada keterampilan yang Anda ingin belajar (keterampilan yang memerlukan Token untuk belajar).
    7. Ubah Speedhack kembali ke “1"
    8. Sekarang pergi ke ARENA dan Tantangan Anda teman dan melawan mereka untuk menyimpan permainan
    9. Refresh permainan dan Anda masih memiliki Skill Token
    10. Ulangi untuk memperoleh semua keterampilan Token Anda inginkan.

    cheat ninja saga

    Ufiq Speed
    1. download dulu cheat engine 5.5 (atau mungkin bisa cheat engine 5.6)
    (Cheat engine 5.6
    2. pakai browser mozila firefox
    3. login Facebooknya
    4. buka ninja saga
    5. open cheat engine 5.5 (mungkin bisa cheat engine 5.6)
    6. di bagian kanan cheat engine 5.5 ada “enable speedhack”, klik aja, lalu ganti speed menjadi min 2.0 atau max 15.00, di apply 

    7. hasilnya dalam permainan ninja saga, tidak ada sistem tunggu menunggu

    Beauty salon

    Beauty salon

    Transport template

    Transport template

    Travel template

    Travel template

    Music shop template

    Music shop template

    Fashion website template

    Fashion website template

    Hair salon template

    Hair salon template

    Game zone template

    Game zone template

    Template of the day: Night club template

    Template of the day: Night club template

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Cheat Emblem

    Cheat Emblem :

    1. masuk NS open process plugin-conatiner.exe atau opera
    2. lalu scan tokenmu dengan 4bytes
    3. klik next scan 5 kali
    4. setelah itu pergi ke headquarters tukarkan 1 tokenmu dengan gold
    5. lalu scan lagi tokenmu yg sekarang
    6. setelah itu akan keluar 1 adress pindah bawah (jika lebih dari 1 coba saja salah 1)
    7. lalu tambahkan adressnya dengan +4 dan ganti valuenya dengan 2
    8. liatlah pada option acoountmu akan menjadi premium

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Bus Masuk Jurang

     Bus Masuk Jurang 
    Ditulis oleh Harian Bangsa   
    Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011 09:22
    Bus Pariwisata  AB 7128 AS  yang ditumpangi  rombongan 46 mahasiswa dan 4 dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung kemarin, Jumat  pagi (21/1) pukul 08.30 WIB masuk jurang di Jalan Raya Beji Junrejo, kota Batu. Untungnya, dalam insiden itu tidak ada korban jiwa yang meninggal.
    Kecelakaan yang berada tepat di depan rumah makan Babe itu melibatkan  tiga kendaraan, namun yang paling parah adalah bus pariwisata dari Yogjakarta. Akibatnya sopir bus,  Fajar Wicaksono, yang tinggal di  Jln Setyagi No 5  Yogyakarta,   kaki kanannya patah karena benturan benda keras.
    Korban lainnya, delapan Mahasiswa mengalami luka berat dan ringan. Mereka diantaranya Triandini,  Fitri Yuni, Lidia Oktavia Sari,  Indah Puspa Sari, Dwi Puji Handayani  dan Evi Apriandi. Korban langsung dilarikan ke RS Saiful Anwar Malang untuk mendapatkan perawatan medis.
    Kecelakaan bus itu bermula dari mobil Honda  CRV yang dikemudikan Hartiman (47), warga Jalan Soropati  Batu itu  melaju dari arah Batu menuju Malang. Tiba-tiba saja ada pengendara motor yang belok  memotong laju mobil Honda CRV. Akibatnya, sopir mobil mengerem mendadak dan tetap menyenggol pengendara motor yang akan ke rumah makan Babe.

    Karena kesenggol mobil, pengendara montor, Malia Afandi  (20), yang tinggal di  Jalan Dorowati tidak mampu mengendalikan motornya, oleng dan akhirnya terjatuh. Dalam waktu bersamaan, Bus Pariwisata  yang dikemudikan Fajar itu juga melaju dari  arah Batu ke Surabaya. Karena jarak terlalu dekat dengan pengendara mobil Honda CRV, Fajar memilih banting setir ke kanan dengan asumsi agar tidak memakan korban jiwa. Sebelum masuk jurang sempat terjadi senggolan terlebih dahulu dengan mobil CRV tersebut.

    Malangnya sisi kanan jalan adalah jurang dan sungai sedalam kira-kira 10 meter. Bus pun meluncur ke dalam jurang. Jerit tangis dan permintaan pertolongan langsung terdengar keras dari dalam bus. Warga sekitar dan pengendara yang lewat pun terus berdatangan untuk memberi pertolongan pada penumpang bus.

    Saat tengah memberi pertolongan, warga melihat percikan api dari bagian bus. Padahal saat itu evakuasi dari dalam bus belum tuntas. Kepanikan pun sempat terjadi dari dalam bus maupun warga yang memberi pertolongan.

    Beruntung, dari rumah makan Babe memiliki tabung pemadam kebakaran. Dengan dibantu warga, pemadaman pun dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Setelah dipastikan tidak ada percikan api, evakuasi baru berlangsung dengan tenang.

    Kasat Lantas Polres Batu AKP Oskar Dim Syamsudin  saat ditemui, Jumat (21/1)  mengatakan bahwa awal terjadinya kecelakaan itu  bermula dari mobil Honda CRV yang menyenggol pengendara sepeda montor  dari arah yang sama  yakni dari arah Batu menuju Malang.
    “Karena mobil CRV menabrak pengendara, lantas dari arah yang sama muncul  bus kemudian sopir bus berusaha menghindar dengan  membanting ke kanan sehingga  kecelakan tidak bisa terhindarkan” ujarnya.

    Meski demikian pihaknya dapat menyimpulkan penyebab kecelakan ini bukan remnya bus blong, tetapi kelalaian pengemudi mobil Honda CRV yang menyenggol sepeda montor. Dari keterangan yang ada, pengendara motor sudah memberi lampu sign sebelum belok ke rumah makan Babe.
    Namun demikian pihaknya belum menetapkan tersangka, baru memintai keterangan saksi. “Tunggu perkembanganlah dua hari atau tiga hari ini baru hasilnya klir,” Tutur Oskar. 
    Sementara itu upaya evakuasi bangkai bus masih tengah dilakukan. Aparat kepolisian juga masih melakukan olah tempat kejadian perkara guna memastikan penyebab kecelakaan.
    Dari keterangan yang dihimpun di lapangan, rombongan bus bernopol AB 7128 AS tersebut mengangkut sekitar 50 mahasiswa. Mereka akan melakukan perjalanan ke Jember, usai melangsungkan karya wisata di Kota Batu.

    Puluhan mahasiswa ini sudah dua hari berada di Kota Apel itu, setelah sebelumnya, mereka telah mengunjungi kota wisata Yogyakarta serta Bali. (bt-1)

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    Fishing Organizations

    Men's gymnastics has been called by many a "sissy sport" that is full of men who have no grasp about how to act manly, or even how to perform like a true athlete. However, overall men's gymnastics is treated quite roughly with most events involving great amounts of strength, coordination, and endurance in order to actually be considered a real gymnast.

    The various aspects of gymnastics has always required great amounts of strength as well as athletic ability, however men's gymnastics tends to take the typical requirements up a few notches by expecting bigger, better and longer routines from men than what is expected from women. Men's gymnastics involves six different events that are used to help showcase the ability and talents of each gymnast. While many men train in all events equally, some gymnasts choose to train in one area more exclusively.

    The first event for men is the floor exercise. The basis of the element is the same as for women, using a 12m square floor series of tumbles, woven together with handstands, acrobatic, rhythm and various other components are strung together. The typical time for a floor exercise is approximately 60 seconds; however, some can last as long as 70 seconds. Some contrasts to women's events include there is no music during the routine, and also gymnasts are required to touch each corner of the floor a minimum of once. 

    The pommel horse is the next event that men partake in. This is an event that requires intense amount of upper body as well as arm strength as the gymnast is only allowed to touch the horse with their arms, while keeping the rest of their body in a continuously, fluid movement. It is vital to have a highly developed sense of balance, huge amounts of upper body strength and train extensively in body control in order to be successful on the pommel horse. This is a highly advanced event that young gymnasts are typically not allowed to partake in.

    Still rings is an event that many people think of when they are envisioning gymnastics for men. Using two rings that are suspended from a bar that hang 5.75 meters from the floor, the gymnast is required to stay in the air, not touch the floor and perform a routine that emphasizes body control, strength and flexibility. In addition to the movements of the gymnast, they must also maintain complete control over the rings so that there is no movement other than the gymnast themselves. Gymnasts are required to perform at least one static strength move during the routine, however many choose to include more.
    Men share the vault element with women as well, which required them to sprint quickly down a 25-meter runway and bounce off of a springboard while propelling themselves over the hurdle. Gymnasts are required to produce a successful dismount in which there is no falling or shifting of the weight. 

    Parallel Bars is another event in which men train and compete. Using bars that are approximately 1.75 meters off the ground and set a bit wider than shoulder width the gymnast performs a series of balances, swings, and various other acrobatic movements while ensuring they do not fall to the ground.
    The final event for men to participate in is the high bar. This uses a bar that is only 2.4cm wide and rises an impressive 2.5 meters off the ground. Gymnasts are required to perform various aspects together such as twists, directional changes, flips, and even giants to produce a routine that is visually as well as athletically impressive. Most men wear leather grips while performing on the high bar to reduce the risk of injury to the hands.

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

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    Friday, January 21, 2011

    What price the most expensive guitar you know? Rp. 100 million? Rp. 200 million? Very rarely the price of a guitar to reach hundreds of millions of no-frills behind. Usually the price of one guitar no more than 8 digits. The high price of a guitar is usually caused by a number of factors, such as in the event what the guitar was sold, and who is the owner.

    The following is a list of 3 great guitar world's most expensive (summarized from various sources):

    3rd place was occupied by the Gibson ES-335 owned by Eric Clapton in 1964 which sold for USD 847,500 or equivalent to Rp. 7,881,750,000, - (IDR 7.8 M). While the 2nd position occupied by the Fender Stratocaster 'Blackie'. Also one of historic guitars from Eric Clapton. Guitar which was given the nick name Blackie was sold at a price of USD 959,500. The price of this guitar equivalent to. 8,635,500,000, - (IDR 8.6 M). Interestingly, 'Blackie' was originally only offered with the price range of USD 150,000 before eventually swelled to more than 6 times that.
    While at the top which holds the record for most expensive guitar in the world price is held by Standard Series Fender Stratocaster signed by a number of musicians like Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, Brian May, Liam Gallagher, Jeff Beck, Pete Townshend, Ray Davies, David Gilmour, Bryan Adams, Tony Iommi, Mark Knopfler, Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, Paul McCartney, Sting, and Noel Gallagher.
    Guitar is sold in an auction in Doha, Qatar, in order to fund-raisers for victims of the Tsunami disaster that had devastated parts of Asia where Aceh became one of the region affected by the greatest damage.
    The guitar was sold for USD 2,800,000. Or if dirupiahkan with the exchange rate USD 1 = Rp. 9000, - then the price of these guitars is Rp. 25.2 billion, - (IDR 25.2 M)! A figure which is fantastic. In addition to help tsunami victims, that kind of money can also be exchanged for about 2500 pieces Fender Stratocaster American Standard to be administered to approximately 2,500 members if the price is per piece guitar calculated @ USD. 10.000.000, -
    From 3 list of most expensive guitar in the world, the name of Eric Clapton's always involved. Either as owners, as well as the party that makes the price of the guitar has become more expensive. Hopefully things like this get copied by every guitarist anywhere in the world. 

    4 police cars in the world

    Italian State Police can easily claim to have the coolest police car in the world after this they Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4. Supercar, 203mph 560bhp Gallardo replaces the standard has been used for four years and 87,000 miles.
    The Brabus CLS V12 S Rocket, yang memiliki kecepatan tertinggi 225mph, diresmikan di Essen Motor Show di Jerman dan bersaing dengan Italia Lamborghini untuk judul mobil polisi tercepat di dunia.

    This package 500bhp V8 engine, can accelerate from 0-100mph in just five seconds, and weighs less than 500kg - it is the Caparo T1. anyone wants to try to escape from the police?.
    This is the Carbon Motors E7, prototype new police cars are equipped with sensors to weapons of mass destruction and automatic numberplate scanners that became the talk of law enforcement convention in the United States.

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Top 5 Most Expensive Mobile Phones in the World

    1. Goldvish “Le million” = $1,000,000 (£540,540)
    A PR stunt it may be and they surely can’t be expecting to sell any, but the Goldvish “Le million” is officially the most expensive mobile phone in the world, according the Guiness Books of Records. There has even been talk of a $1.3million phone, but this has fewer diamonds than the Goldvish so I can’t see where the extra expense comes from! The “Le million” is a one off piece featuring a blinding 120 carats worth of VVS-1 grade diamonds, according to designer Emmanuel Gueit. If $1 million is out of your price range the Geneva-based Goldvish also offer several other diamond-encrusted 18k gold models in your choice of rose, yellow or white starting at a much more reasonable $25,600 (£13,837).

    2. Vertu Signature Cobra = $310,000 (£167,567)
    Vertu Cobra
    Vertu is now taking orders for the Signature Cobra which is designed by French jeweler Boucheron, but you had better be quick as only 8 are being made. The Cobra will feature one pear-cut diamond, one round white diamond, two emerald eyes and 439 rubies. Vertu will also be offering a “cheaper” version, ruby free at $115,000 (£62,162).

    3. Sony Ericsson Black Diamond = $300,000 (£162,162)
    Sony Ericsson Black Diamond
    Apparently the Black Diamond will be available in 2007, not from Sony Ericsson but by a company called VIPN. Initially only 5 unique numered pieces will be available for the unbelievable price of, wait for it… $300,000.
    With regards to the specifications, don’t expect anything remarkable for your money. It will have Quad-band with Wi-Fi, an Intel 400Mhz processor running Windows Mobile 5 and a touch sensitive 2″ screen. It will also include internal memory of 128mb and will come with a 2Gb SD card for external storage plus a respectable 4 Megapixel camera.
    The designer Jaren Goh has used some pretty impressive materials for the build, featuring titane with polycarbonate, mirror-finish cladding and diamonds.

    4. Vertu Diamond = $88,000 (£47,567)
    Vertu Diamond
    The Diamond is Vertu’s premium range of high-end mobile phones. As the name suggests the handsets in the Diamond range are diamond-encrusted handsets made from platinum. Only 200 of the handsets are being produced, the most expensive believed to be worth an estimated £50,000.

    5. Motorola V220 Special Edition = £28,000 ($51,800)
    Austrian designer Peter Aloisson has taken a standard Motorola, studded it with 1,200 diamonds and added a keyboard inlaid with 18 carat gold. The outcome is a £28,000 handset, suitable only for footballers and film stars!

    6. Gold Edition Nokia 8800 Phone = $2,700 (£1,459)
    Gold Nokia 8800 Mobile Phone
    If you have $2,700 to spare, you can now buy the Nokia 8800 in 24K gold. However, be warned if you think you’ll be getting a better phone for your extra cash, you wont! The features found on the Gold Edition are the standard 8800 features which are pretty basic. It includes a 0.5 Mega pixel SVGA camera, 64 MB of internal memory, 64 voice polyphonic rigntones, FM Radio, Mp3 Player, video recording and 180 mins talktime. However, the Gold Edition does includes a special edition box and charging dock!

    Top 5 Richest person in the world 2010

    No.1 Carlos Slim Helu

    $53.5 billionCarlosSlimHelu thumb Top 10 
Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the 
world 2010
    Telecom, Mexico.
    Telecom tycoon who pounced on privatization of Mexico’s national telephone company in the 1990s becomes world’s richest person for first time after coming in third place last year. Net worth up $18.5 billion in a year. Recently received regulatory approval to merge his fixed-line assets into American Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile phone company.


    No.2 Bill Gates

    $53 billionBillGates thumb Top 10 
Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the 
world 2010
    Microsoft, U.S.
    Software visionary is now the world’s second-richest man. Net worth still up $13 billion in a year as Microsoft shares rose 50% in 12 months, value of investment vehicle Cascade swelled. More than 60% of fortune held outside Microsoft; investments include Four Seasons hotels, Televisa, Auto Nation. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft in 2008 to focus on philanthropy.

    No.3 Warren Buffett

    $47 billion – Investments, U.S.WarrenBuffett thumb Top 10 
Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the 
world 2010
    America’s favorite investor up $10 billion in past 12 months on surging Berkshire Hathaway shares; says U.S. has survived economic "Pearl Harbor," but warns recovery will be slow. Shrewdly invested $5 billion in Goldman Sachs and $3 billion in General Electric amid 2008 market collapse. Recently acquired railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe for $26 billion.

    No.4 Mukesh Ambani

    MukeshAmbani thumb Top 10 
Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the 
world 2010$29 billion- 

    No.5 Lakshmi Mittal

    $28.7 billionLakshmiMittal thumb Top 10 
Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the 
world 2010 – Steel, India.
    London’s richest resident oversees ArcelorMittal, world’s largest steel maker. Net profits fell 75% in 2009. Mittal took 12% pay cut but improved outlook pushed stock up one-third in past year. Looking to expand in his native India; wants to build steel mills in Jharkhad and Orissa but has not received government approval. Earned $1.1 billion for selling his interest in a Kazakh refinery in December

    7 wonders of the world that you are not yet known

    1.Banaue Rice Terraces in Philippines
    From this picture looks amazing, yes, ancient irrigated rice 2,000 years old. Located in the Ifugao mountains Philippines, known as the Banaue Rice Terraces. No heroics, but the Philippines feel quite satisfied if the Banaue Rice Terraces is placed as the "Eight Wonders of the World. "

    It is estimated that rice fields 'carved' on the mountain this Ifugo, made with a very traditional tools by our ancestors the Philippines. Wet plots are located in 1,500 meters above sea level and surrounding mountain slopes as far as 10,360 square kilometers.

    Remarkably, the ancestors have set up in such a way irrigating rice fields from forests located on the rice field. Locals today still grow vegetables in the rice starch is also that.

    Erosion, is one threat to the existence of this ancient rice fields. Therefore, the government is very concerned citizens about this, maintenance and reconstruction is done continuously, to maintain continuity.

    2.Sigiriya in Sri Lanka
    These are the remains of an ancient palace located on top of the rock. Sigiriya or the Stone Lions, so called. Located in the Matale District, Sri Lanka, surrounded by forests, dams, also garden. Its location is unique, combined with stunning scenery, making Sigiriya visited by many tourists. Viewing from the air, such as Sigiriya ancient paintings reminiscent of Ajanta Caves in India.

    Masas Sigiriya was built in the reign of King Kassapa I who reigned from 477-495 AD. This place is one of seven ancient relics owned by Sri Lanka. Allegedly, Sirigiya inhabited since pre-history. Then, in the 5th century BC, this place used as a monastery.

    3. Tower of Hercules in Spain Tower of Hercules is a relic of ancient Roman lighthouse located on the peninsula, about 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the center of Corunna, Galicia, northwest Spain. Corunna name comes from the ancient columns. This 55-meter high tower overlooking the North Atlantic coast, Spain. Hercules 1900-year-old lighthouse, the Roman heritage that is still in service today is said that this tower has reached the age of 1900 years, rehabilitated in 1791. This is a Roman lighthouse heritage that still functioned. 

     4. Toru, Poland Ancient City in the North who still Eksis
    Toru is a city in northern Poland, exactly in the Vistula River. This is an ancient city that has existed since 1100 BC that still exist. This city is the hometown of Nicolaus Copernicus (A astronomers, mathematicians, and economists. The theory is the famous sun as the center of the Solar System, overturning the traditional geocentric theory, which places the Earth at the center of the universe, regarded as one of the most important discoveries of all time, and is the fundamental starting point for a modern astronomy and modern science.
    This theory raises the scientific revolution), the ancient city of Torun in Poland still exists so far. Presumably this city there in 1100 BC Toru become the embryo of the first settlement in the area, thought to have been there since 1100 BC. The city was developed in the Middle Ages, namely the 7th century until the 13th. Then the Teutonic Knights built the castle in the vicinity of settlements, between the years 1230-31. In 1263, Franciscan monks settled in the area following the Dominican in 1239.
    The city is growing with the construction of new town near Toru. Both the city developed into important trade centers in the Middle Ages. If you see this portrait, really interesting. This place had always been till now much visited. If it had since become the city of trade, is now a tourist town is loaded with past history. 

    5.Ajanta Caves in India Ajanta caves in Maharashtra, one of the many ancient relics which exist in India. What is amazing in this cave paintings are also numerous Buddha statues of high artistic value. It is estimated, the monuments that exist in this cave started to be worked on the 2nd Century BC. But in the Ajanta cave was later abandoned. During the 1300 years it abandoned cave, on the outside, tall shrubs grow, eventually becoming an automatic forest hides the existence of this cave. No one ever knew that there saved 'world heritage' extraordinary. Until finally in the spring of 1819 a British officer, accidentally entered the steep canyon. The deeper he went in there, and he's incredible because he was surprised to find a door hidden in one cave. This is the first visit of men after thousands of years. When found in the cave that is just 'home' and kalelawar birds and other animals. Captain Smith then conducted the first exploration to know the 'content' of the mysterious cave. Captain Smith's name is unknown, as the related write his name on the cave walls and the year of his arrival. He writes: "Captain Smith, April 1819.

    6. Valley of Flowers in the Himalayas Valley of Flowers is a valley at an altitude of Himalayas. The climbers also botanist described the valley is incredibly beautiful, has existed since more than a century more, even in Hindu mythology, the depiction of the existence of this valley has been there since the days of yore. Stretch of soft, interspersed meadows of colorful flowers, very beautiful and almost breathtaking look at it. Valley of beautiful flowers enriched by the background mountains and forests. Valley of flowers is declared a national park (Nanda Devi National Park) in 1982. The local people knew of the existence of the valley flowers, they believe that the place was inhabited by a herd of fairies. 

    7. Meteora, Building on Top of Stone Mountain Athos, Greece View these images, you must wonder. How can a Castilian can stand on top of the mountain rock. Unimaginable how difficult the construction of this castle, when he was already hundreds of years. This is a complex of Eastern Orthodox monasteries of the biggest and most important in Greece. Precisely, the monasteries were built on top of the mountain rock Athos. There are six monasteries in this complex. Precisely located in the area of Thessaly, near sunagi Pineios, northwestern Greece edge Tengah.Yang cuku interesting is access to the monastery which is very difficult. That said, once the monastery used to achieve a kind of response or long nets used to raise and lower goods, including humans. It takes strong faith to get to this monastery.