Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Cheat Atm Exp & Atm Exp Pet Ninja Saga 31 March 2011

Cheat ninja saga kali ini bernama Cheat Atm Exp & Atm Exp Pet Ninja Saga Terbaru 31 Maret 2011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari Cheat Ninja Saga terbaru 31 Maret 2011. langsung ajah cekidot
Tools Ninja saga
File :

Atm Exp : [DOWNLOAD]
Atm Pet : [DOWNLOAD]
Browser ( Mozilla / Chrome )

 tutor Cheat ninja saga:
seperti biasa pakai fiddler

Untuk Atm Exp Pet Max Lvl 120
Dan Jika Terjadi Sesuatu Ditanggung Sendiri Ya !

Itulah Cheat Atm Exp & Atm Exp Pet Ninja Saga Terbaru 31 Maret 2011 semoga bisa membantu para agan semua yg mencari Cheat Ninja Saga terbaru 2011

Cheat Battle Suit (Blue) Soul Katana Namigaeshi

Cheat Battle Suit (Blue)  Soul Katana Namigaeshi

gan sorry I have not posted in a few days, okay now I'll post the cheat ninja saga, cheat ninja saga this time named Soul Cheat battle Suit namigaeshi katana.

Tools Cheat ninja saga : 

2.File Swf

Batte Suit : (DOWNLOAD)
Soul Katana Namigaeshi : (DOWNLOAD)

How To Cheat ninja saga:

As always use fiddler ..

Ok Good try remember this cheat does not permanently

Monday, March 28, 2011

Question Cheat Ninja Saga

Cheat ninja saga of what you are looking for now, I'll help as much as possible I do not promise but I will find it.
please comment in the comment box and enter the cheat ninja saga of what you want?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama (25-03-2011) | Cheat ninja saga | Cheat ninja saga terbaru

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama (25-03-2011)

sekarang saya akan memposting Cheat ninja saga terbaru , Cheat ninja saga kali ini berjudul Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama , ok sekarang langsung ajah ke tutornya cekidot...

Cheat ninja saga


- Mozilla Bisa Juga Goggle Chrome

- Charles (DOWNLOAD)


Masuk Ke Ninja saga Terus Ke Hunting House Buka Charles ..

Klik Attack boss Nya ..

Brekpoint Charles Nya Di

Saya Saranin Ini Pke 1 Hit Supaya Cepat Mati Bos Nya Ada Di Fordis

Setelah Mati keluar Tab Di Charles Yg ke 1 Execute Ajj..

Yg Ke 2 Execute Juga , Yg Ke 3 Execute Juga

Nah Yg Ke 4 Buka Ke Edit Response Terus AMF

Nah Di Situ Ada .

XP , Gold , Magatama , Dan Reward Xp

Yg Di ganti Yg Magatma Nya AJj ..

Kalo mau Emas Yah Ganti Jadi 5

Dah Selesai Execute Ajj Terakhir Kali.

Dan Anda Dapet magatama LV 5 ..

NOTE: Bisa Ganti Ganti Juga Semau Anda Yang Lain Nya Jangan Di Ganti Hanya untuk Magatama..

Maaf sekali lagi saya gak bisa pake charles mohon anda coba sendiri

Nie Gambar nya

Cheat ninja saga

Cheat Ninja Saga terbaru 25 Maret 2011 One Hit Boss dan Instan Misi | Cheat ninja saga | cheat ninja saga terbaru

Cheat Ninja Saga terbaru 25 Maret 2011 One Hit Boss dan Instan Misi

Sekarang kita akan memposting " Cheat untuk Ninja saga " , Cheat Ninja saga kali ini bernama Cheat Ninja Saga terbaru 25 Maret 2011 One Hit Boss dan Instan Mission, dan Cheat untuk ninja saga ini baru sajah di terbitkan hari ini. langsung ajah lihat tutor "cheat ninja saga" ini.

Tools Cheat Ninja saga:


FIDDLER (cari di mbah google)

Tutor Cheat ninja saga:

-Drag file Swfnya ke AutoResponder di fiddler

-lalu clear cache browser dan Clear Cache di fiddler

-masuk ninja saga masuk ke hanami Festival

-lawan Boss dengan sekali hit atau satu kali serang

Selamat mencoba Cheat ninja saga terbaru ini..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cheat untuk ninja saga | Cheat all pet mode hack | Cheat ninja saga terbaru

Cheat untuk ninja saga | Cheat all pet mode hack | Cheat ninja saga terbaru

Sekarang kita akan memposting "Cheat untuk Ninja saga" , Cheat Ninja saga kali ini bernama Cheat ninja saga all pet mode hack , dan Cheat untuk ninja saga ini saya jujur copas di blog tetangga tapi saya mengetik ulang cheat ninja saga ini.. langsung ajah lihat tutor "cheat ninja saga" ini.

Cheat untuk Ninja saga

Tool Cheat ninja saga :



Cara Cheat untuk ninja saga :

1. Download dulu Fiddler

2. kemudian Install fiddler (Bagi yang udah di install fiddlernya tidak usah install ulang)

3. Jalankan Fiddler

4. klik tab Autoresponder (Icon petir hijau)


6. jatuhkan / drag SWF file yang kamu download tadi ke kolom Autoresponder

7. Masuk ninja saga

8. setelah itu bersihkan chace

9. dan di pojok kanan bawah ada bacaan fiddler disable ganti caraya klik kanan pada bacaan fiddler disable sudah itu pilih salah satu lalu kalau bacaan nya fiddler enable berarti itu udah benar

10.Mainkan ninja saga

NOTE: saya sarankan memakai Level rendah dulu ...

yang ingin Copas blog ini sertakan URL Nya :



Cheat ninja saga Hack emblem CE version

Cheat ninja saga Hack emblem CE version

cheat ninja saga this time is a Cheat ninja saga Hack emblem CE version , ok can not wait to use the cheat ninja this saga .Cheat ninja saga , cheat ninja saga terbaru

cheat ninja way this saga has not issued a single token so it steady. his usual ninja saga cheat must issue a token first version but now has not issued a single token, I do not know the cheat ninja saga is banned or not able to clear first try to use your low level char


Cheat engine (search in google)

required: create a cheat weapon (need tokens)

and if you make a hair style (no need tokens)

Function: Hair Style Can replace without removing the token, upgrading weapons (must have magatama), bis buy weapons, clothes, back items

how to cheat ninja saga:

1.go to buy saga token / buy ninja emblem.

2.way of writing numbers on the link for example: / payment.php? id = 1007133 & lang = en select this number 1007133 (which I love blue sign)

3.copy and then input to the cheat engine 4byte, asrom (do not jump at the first scan)

4.Ninja saga entered first, do not directly play

5.scan it is adreess click 2x

6.address on the back of his air -4

for example: 3245ec-4

7.values ​​change so 2 ninja saga, his account will turn into a premium

9.can be viewed in the option NS weapons, hairstyle, your favorite clothes

Evidence cheat ninja saga that work


Cheat ninja saga , cheat ninja saga terbaru

Cheat ninja saga

Cheat ninja saga


Technorati : , , : , ,

Zooomr : , ,

Flickr : , ,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Gold Permanent Dengan Cheat Engine 20 Maret 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Gold Permanent Dengan Cheat Engine 20 Maret 2011
cheat ninja saga this time is a cheat ninja saga permanent gold, ok can not wait to use the cheat ninja this saga, this is the steps ninja saga cheat gold permanent
1. Cheat Engine 6.0 [Download]
2. browser (Mozilla recommended)

How to:
1. go ninja saga then playing any kind of mission (if not the mission lv13 escaped criminal who wrote because often get healing scrolls / chakra scroll)
2. if for example you get the item healing / chakras do not scroll at first ok ..
3. open cheat engine
4. open proces continues to choose which Web browser you use
5. continue to value typeya replaced text
6. scan items that you can ya list of his goods

* Item1 (smoke bomb) * item2 (healing scroll lvl 1)
* Item3 (chakras scroll lvl 1) * item4 (healing scroll lvl 3)
* Item5 (chakras scroll lvl 3) * item6 (healing scroll lvl 6)
* Item7 (chakras scroll lvl 6) * item8 (healing scroll lvl 9)
* Item9 (chakras scroll lvl 9) * item10 (chakras scroll lvl 12)
* Item11 (healing scroll lvl 12) * item12 (healing scroll lvl 15)
* Item13 (chakras scroll lvl 15) * item14 (healing scroll lvl 20)
* Item15 (chakras scroll lvl 20) * item16 (special rune scrolls)
* Item17 (healing scroll lvl 25) * item18 (chakras scroll lvl 25)
* Item19 (scroll healing lvl 30) * item20 (chakras scroll lvl 30)
* Item21 (healing scroll lvl 35) * item22 (chakras scroll lvl 35)
* Item23 (healing scroll lvl 40) * item24 (chakras scroll lvl 40)
7. for example wrote the scroll of chakra you get lvl 12 you live in CEnya wrote: item10
8. continue to scan address so you get valuenya replaced wpn155
9. After his mission is completed, refresh the game
10. continue to see in gear ...

Read cheat ninja saga kumayoshi mode hack

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Kumayoshi Mode Hack | NEW Cheat ninja saga

Cheat Ninja Saga Kumayoshi Mode Hack
ok, i will posting Cheat ninja saga kumayoshi mode hack , are you know games ninja saga ?? ok this is cheat ninja saga.

Equipment Cheat ninja saga:

* Fiddler (DOWNLOAD)

1. Download the first fiddler
2. Then Install Fiddler
3. Just run the Fiddler
4. Click Tab autoresponder (which its icon green lightning)
5. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests"
6. Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column autoresponder
7. Go to Ninja Saga
8. After that clean the caches
9. Just select the character who would you play
How to Clear cache:

* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Info: If you use a pet Kumayoshi, then your pet will automatically have an additional skill. Restrict Namely, Purify and Burning (Burning more than 100%) so you can automatically direct opponent dies
I suggest you use a level 1 char

good luck For Cheat ninja saga

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cheat PB 19 Maret 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank F2F_Special Fulhack PB 19032011 Terbaru

cheat point blank

Cheat PB 19 Maret 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank F2F_Special Fulhack PB 19032011 Terbaru


PB Cheat Cheat Update March 19, 2011 Point Blank
PB Fulhack F2F_Special Latest 19,032,011

F1: Char On Black + Berets GM [Effect All Weapons]
F2: Char Off + Spion on

How to use:
[-] Room Entrance
[-] Press f1
[-] Click the Inventory [Effect Berets]
[-] and then back and play
[-] Press f1 again when loading map [Effect Char Hack]
[-] The first Press f2 Respawn / when it says Game
being prepared

If Not jai RM = Effect of 70% [Only beffect Beret who

If so RM = Effect 100% [Effect felt beret and Char hack]
blood so 120

Free Download Cheat PB Point Blank Terbaru 19 Maret 2011 TKJ_jrs V1.5 Update Point Blank 19032011

Free Download Cheat PB Point Blank Terbaru 19 Maret 2011 TKJ_jrs V1.5 Update Point Blank 19032011

i will posting

cheat point blank

 File Name: [-] TKJ_Jrs v1.5 Credit: [*] AGuS_TKJ [PNT]
Greetz to: [-] Billzmud [PNT] | N | JrsBekasi [PNT] Forum Sponsors: [-] Scarletzer [SC] | N | Blink-Blink [B2] | N | Blazers07.blo *** DotCom ======================================== [*] F1 | Char Hack and Beret GM [*] F2 | Char Hack and Beret SG [*] F3 | Char Hack and Beret Assault [*] F4 | Char Hack and Beret AWP [*] F5 | Char Hack and Beret SMG [*] F7 | Card Complete [*] F8 | Reset Card [*] HOME | Char Hack and Beret Secondary [*] DELETE | Reset Char Hack and Beret [*] F11 | Spion Mode [*] PAUSE BREAK | Exit PB
========================================== Status: Undetected ========================================== [*] HOW TO USE beret N CHAR HACK: [-] JOIN HotKey press F1 SWITCH ROOM [-] OPEN INVENTORY TARA ... PLAY CONSTANTLY CHANGING UDA KAN. [-] PAS LOADING MAP press F1 again KAN AGAIN [-] At the moment there is TEXT "IS PREPARING FOR GAME 'press F1 HotKey ========================================== [*] HOW TO USE mirror: [-] To Spion Hack Press F11 Currently In ROOM ========================================== [*] HOW TO USE CARD HACK: MISSION BUYING RATES 5000 AJA YG ... HOME PRESS CONTINUES TO LOBBY CARD COMPLETED THE OPEN WINDOW CARD INVENTORY next O KAN MOVE TO CARD OPEN CARD CLOSE ampe K. AFTER THAT MOVE TO CARD CARD PN P TARA Complete the mission ....

Free Download Cheat PB Point Blank March 19, 2011 Latest Update v1.5 TKJ_jrs Point Blank 19,032,011

Free Download Cheat Point Blank 19 Maret 2011 Cheat TiNN99an9KuAiN9 V1.0 Update Point Blank 19032011

Free Download Cheat Point Blank 19 Maret 2011 Cheat TiNN99an9KuAiN9 V1.0 Update Point Blank 19032011

Creator: McGlory Greetz to: [*] Gambler [*] Harriet Said [*] RCD [*] Great ankasta [*] Uciha sasuke [*] [*] BLINK-BLINK [B2]
Archive Type: Winrar Included files: => TiNN99an9KuAiN9 V1.0 Target Game: PointBlank Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro medicinal Type: Minimize
[*] Minimizes Hotkey: Press F1 To the sound of Beep and press the left ALT [On]


How to use

cheat point blank:


- Using FlashDisk:
[*] Insert File Into Flash Disk [*] Extract TiNN99an9KuAiN9 V1.0 [*] Open TiNN99an9KuAiN9 V1.0 [*] Open Point-Blank [*] Click Select DLL [*] Inject LChangeWorld2.0.dll [*] Once there is a direct Notice FlashDisk first DISCONNECT [*] Then click Ok its Notice [*] Click the Resume!

Point Blank Free Download Cheat Cheat TiNN99an9KuAiN9 March 19, 2011 Update V1.0 Point Blank 

Cheat fast Learn jutsu


i will posting Cheat Fast learn jutsu ,wow now we'll see you again in this time I will be posting
Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E
, this latest saga is definitely the cheat ninja saga-cheat latest saga is not often in use later easement heehhhehe .. . This latest saga cheat ninja will soon be in post now, see also  cheat ninja saga clain reward cloting
Required Tools Cheat ninja saga:

     * CE (Cheat Engine)
     * Your Browser

How to use:

* go into the academy ninja saga
     * Open CE
     * select browse
     * change the value type to be text
     * scan name jutsu the name jutsu must match
     * show an address and then replace Speedhack to 500
     * click buy
     * and timenya will fast way

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reward all weapon gold level 1 - 60

Reward all weapon gold level 1 - 60

reward all weapon gold level 1 - 60 .wow now we'll see you again in this time I will be posting Reward all weapon gold level 1 - 60 , this latest saga is definitely the cheat ninja saga-cheat latest saga is not often in use later easement heehhhehe .. . This latest saga cheat ninja will soon be in post now, see also  cheat ninja saga clain reward cloting

heloo! NEW now publishes :

Reward all weapon gold level 1 - 60

on this blog Cheat Ninja saga is also very rarely found, Cheat ninja latest saga is sure to mean for you all.

  remember do not often use the cheat ninja this saga because the bill would  kidding hehehehe .... latest saga in the cheat ninja published 18 March 2011

Required Tools Cheat ninja saga:

steps Cheat ninja saga 18 maret 

1.Open fiddler
2.Extract the RAR archive
3.Drop the SWF file into the autoresponder tab in fiddler
4.Open Firefox and clear cache
5.Force traffic to Fiddler
6.Log-in to Ninjasaga and Choose your character
7.go to kage room and playing mision level 1..

good luck..

NEW Cheat ninja saga
how to uses fiddler:


Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E

Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E

Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E This cheat for the cheaters ² which is still low level but kepengen see cheat above your level. this cheat also effectif for free user who has a lag time in learning the jutsu that can save time learn jutsu in the academy and learn jutsu to a friend .. immediately wrote
wow now we'll see you again in this time I will be posting

Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E
, this latest saga is definitely the cheat ninja saga-cheat latest saga is not often in use later easement heehhhehe .. . This latest saga cheat ninja will soon be in post now, see also  cheat ninja saga clain reward cloting

heloo! NEW now publishes :

Cheat Learn Jutsu diatas Level | C.E

on this blog Cheat Ninja saga is also very rarely found, Cheat ninja latest saga is sure to mean for you all.

  remember do not often use the cheat ninja this saga because the bill would  kidding hehehehe .... latest saga in the cheat ninja published 18 March 2011

Required Tools Cheat ninja saga:

     * CE (Cheat Engine)
     * Your Browser

How to use:

    1. Open up your and Login
    2. Sign in to Apps Ninja Saga
    3. Open new CE
    4. The process of using the Plugin Container or your browser
    5. Its value type using the 4 bytes
    6. Then scan your in box number GOLD HEX
    7. would later appear on the left side Adrees
    8. Double click these Adrees
    9. Adrees replace the XXXXXX9C Replaced become XXXXXXD0 -> (The Last Number Zero) or can also XXXXXX9C XXXXXX9C +34 Being Replaced
   10. Value Then it will be Changed so your level (do not Tick Frozen)
   11. then Go back to the NS Visit your friends that have a level 60 and the same element with a mu
   12. select jutsu you want to learn .. then learn
   13. aja wait until completion ...

NB: This cheat duration can be up to 2-3 days .. and if you've studied these jutsu do not ever use them before level jutsu you guys like it if still in use char you will be BANNED

good luck for

cheat ninja saga